Vrrooom-splash! Vrrooooooom-splash! Wheeee!
Monthly Archives: October 2015
Northport Sunset
Going for the halo effect.
I managed to get stuck in a door. This is soooooo embarrassing.
Walk Left, Stand Right
They had this fun ride at the airport! There was no line, so I just kept going around and around!
“Please Stay Off Dune Grass”
So… If I’m careful not to step on the grass, I still can eat it all, right?
Those Birds Better Keep Their Distance
I don’t trust birds. Not after the incident with the eagles and my little brother.
Well, Well, Well…
All I did was get in this bucket for a picture, and suddenly there was a collie running around, barking to get people to come and “save” me.
TIMBITS! Timbits! timbitstimbitsbimtibts
I’ve Been Immortalized In Stone!
It was really tiring to hold that pose for so long.
Waiter! Waiter!
The service in this place is TERRIBLE! The waiter’s just been staring at me for an hour and a half.