This is a statue of my hipster cousin. He’s in a band or something. I’d rather be an adventurer!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Just like home!
I’ll race ya to the top!
Just Tuckered Out
Adventuring takes a lot out of you.
It’s Movie Time!
We had a hard time starting the movie, because touch screens don’t work that well with hooves. Once we got it going, we had to watch The Last Unicorn. Again. How come there aren’t any movies about mountain goats?
The Importance Of Eating Right
This airplane understands how important the right kind of food is for a proper adventure. That’s why they’ve pre-processed, freeze-dried, and vacuum-sealed it before putting it in a box. True adventure food must go through an adventure of its own!
Packing is the Hardest Part!
Hey, Buffalo! I’m helping Saraphim the Unicorn pack for a trip to Colorado. At least I don’t have to cram you into the suitcase, like last time!
The Mountain Is Out!
Someone took me to go climb this mountain! They know just what I like!
Listen, Buffalo…
Are you sure you cleaned your Clone-a-Tron 3000 before you used it? Because it looks like there might have been a bit of cross contamination here…
Sandy Beach
Mountains! Trees! Lake! This Lake Tahoe place reminds me of home, just with more boats.
Just My Style
Hey, Buffalo! You always told me that I need to wear sunglasses when I’m on the beach. How do these look on me?