Hey, Buffalo, I know you don’t like pictures of yourself, but I just couldn’t resist this one!
Let’s Keep Going!
I don’t want to turn around! Who knows what adventures await us beyond the next turn?
I’m not afraid!
I was right! There are trolls under bridges! I’ll be brave. I’m not afraid! You can’t hurt me, troll!
Bat Country
We can’t stop here. This is bat country!
Mountain Stream
After the altitude sickness scare, we found this little babbling brook. Sometimes a change in plans can lead to wonderful things!
Safety Goat On Patrol
We’re up above 10,000 feet here in Great Basin National Park. My traveling companion started getting a headache and feeling lightheaded, so I forced him to head back down. Altitude sickness is not something to mess around with. (Besides, a thunderstorm was brewing. Nothing about the situation was good.)
Mind If I Drive?
Today was so exciting! They let me drive for a bit!
These Are Tough Rocks To Climb
I can’t figure these rocks out. They’re too roundy. There’s no hoof-holds on any of them!
Where’s All The Green?
I don’t understand how there can be so much space with so little greenness in all of it. How’s a Goat supposed to live in a place like this?
Glenwood Canyon Was Amazing!
Cliffs! River! Hairpin Turns! Tunnels! This road was a spectacular drive! Too bad my driver didn’t get a chance to see any of it because he was too busy trying not to fall off the road the whole time.